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34% increase In web leads

"We spent a long time speaking at the Board level about whether this project would be achievable. Greyhive convinced us that it was, and they have delivered on that promise."

Shane Watson, CEO
PLM Global supporting the manufacturing industryPLM Global technology at warehousePLM Global at business meeting
Website | Full Service Marketing | CRM

PLM Global Case Study

PLM is one of the UK's leading companies that supplies, repairs, and maintains handheld data capture devices. It generates new business via its nationwide sales team and traditionally sells maintenance contracts to companies to provide this service as required.

However, they were keen to explore e-commerce as a new revenue channel to sell devices individually to smaller firms on an ad hoc basis. As there are thousands of different devices available on the market, this would be an extensive project. Moreover, for it to be successful, we needed to rank as many of these products as possible on page 1 of Google.

Another challenge this project presented was that it was important for PLM not to alienate their existing client base by now appearing to be an "e-commerce first" company. This was imperative as the value in PLM for their existing clients was in their service contracts and having direct relationships with them.

The project took several months to complete, but ultimately, it was successful. The website was designed to be "service first, e-commerce second." Over 70% of the products were ranked on page one of Google, and e-commerce orders came through as expected, which opened up opportunities for PLM's Sales Team to have more in-depth conversations with these buyers to explore larger contracts beyond their one-off e-commerce purchases.

increase in website traffic
increase in social engagement
year service
Performance statistics are based on the last 12 months of trading.

eCommerce success

Following the website's success, we continue to evolve the website to keep it relevant and up to date whilst exploring new and exciting digital marketing opportunities.