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4x increase in leads generated

"We used to manage telesales in-house and were starting to question whether this was going to actually work for us. So when Greyhive approached us, we were naturally sceptical. However, they have managed to significantly increase our leads each week and we are absolutely delighted!"

Sam Stretton, Managing Director
Logicom Hub supporting rail, sea, air and road transportationLogicom Hub qualificationFleet of vans
CRM | Email Marketing | Telesales

Logicom Hub Case Study

When we first started, we calculated with the client that they were only producing an average of 2.6 leads per month, which, with their conversion rate from lead to sale, was unsustainable.

For this function to be profitable, they needed at least 6 quality leads per month. Since we took over this function, we have averaged 8 quality leads per month.

How did we do this?

Firstly, we developed our own proprietary software specifically for the management of data for outbound telesales. Without the overhead of needing to licence this software, we are able to reduce the cost per call for the client, essentially allowing for a higher call volume than is typical.

Secondly, we only work with the best quality data for maximum efficiency, and thirdly, our marketing team run captivating and engaging email automation in parallel to the telesales efforts to squeeze more leads out of every interaction.

av. calls per month
av. email open rate
years working together
Performance statistics are based on the last 12 months of trading.


Following the initial success over a few months, the client requested we integrated with their CRM so any actionable data could be picked up from there and worked from their end instead of sending emails back and forth. We built this API integration for them within a week and now any data the client needs from us is passed seamlessly from our CRM to theirs.