KSG Healthcare logo

206% increase in YOY sales

"Greyhive has helped us launch this amazing product and generate awareness in the UK market to compete directly with HEPA and other technologies. Their efforts have directly led to significant 6 figure contracts with leading household brands within the UK."

Jarmo Kesanto, Partner
Genano unit in blackGenano unit from KSG HealthcareBenefits of Genano technology
Social Media | PR | CRM | SEO | Website

KSG Healthcare Case Study

Incorporated in 2017, KSG Health Ltd imports and distributes Genano air purification units to the UK market and internationally. Genano's unique air purification method removes particles down to nanometres from indoor air, eliminating microbes such as viruses, bacteria, and mould, as well as gases and odours.

When KSG Health Ltd first reached out to Greyhive, they didn't have any existing marketing material. They were looking to gain general brand awareness for the Genano products within the UK market. Tone and messaging were going to be of enormous importance as they needed to connect with their UK audience.

To achieve this, we needed to create all social media pages, along with graphic design and content creation. Secondly, we updated the website to be cleaner and easier to navigate, and then we began on the PR, which has gained international coverage in reputable publications, from local news outlets to scientific magazines.

It wasn't (and isn't) a specific service that we are trying to market here; it is a product, and we needed to help people understand why Genano devices are so critical. To do this, we caught a flight to Aberdeen and met with people who had first-hand experience with Genano devices. We interviewed them and edited their answers together for a visual case study and social media snippets.

increase in website traffic
increase in social engagement
years working together
Performance statistics are based on the last 12 months of trading.

Spreading the word!

After the visual case studies had been created, we put them on LinkedIn as an advert and targeted decision-makers. We have achieved excellent results in this area, with over 1M impressions and 900 + clicks on LinkedIn. But most importantly, through all of our efforts, we have seen an increase of over 200% in new website users and a 171% increase in page views. All of this brand awareness activity lent the brand the credibility required and supported the client in securing large distribution contracts with leading brands across the UK.