Hope Against Cancer logo

145% increase In PR circ.

"I've worked with many marketing and brand agencies throughout 24 years of working in charities large and small. Greyhive is unique. Simply put, they listen, they're responsive, and it's personal. Nice to work with a small organisation that shares some of the same values as Hope Against Cancer."

Nigel Rose, CEO
Nigel at HOPE receiving donationSupporting cancer support at the NHSCancer ward at the NHS
Social Media Management| PR | Content Creation

Hope Against Cancer Case Study

Hope Against Cancer is a local cancer research charity in Leicestershire and Rutland. Hope funds cutting-edge research and clinical trials based at the Leicester Royal Infirmary.

When Hope came to see us, they were already doing a great job of marketing with the resources they had internally. However, there is only so much a small team can do. They desired to improve brand awareness and reach out to all their stakeholders to ensure they were able to maximise all opportunities to achieve the very best for the charity.

We created a marketing strategy that would help drive fundraising and awareness. The strategy is an integrated approach that uses various marketing and PR mediums.

We didn't just see ourselves as Hope's ‘Marketing and Communications department’; we were part of their team and wanted them to succeed. In their case, we believed it was more cost-effective for them to hire internally, and we supported Nigel with this by arranging and conducting the interviews alongside him to recruit the right person.

Our long-term goal was to help make Hope Against Cancer a recognisable charity across Leicestershire and Rutland, and we hope that progress will continue. We have developed a fantastic relationship with Hope and are excited to see what the future holds for them.

increase in website traffic
increase in social engagement
year service
Performance statistics are based on the last 12 months of trading.

Over the years, we have:

Delivered PR campaigns to local and national press, securing editorial space in key media publications, online, TV and radio. There is barely a week that goes by were Hope aren’t mentioned in the press.

Created monthly and quarterly e-newsletter / printed newsletters which feature all of the fantastic. fundraising events that Hope, and their business partners are part of. This newsletter has become so popular, that we have had to double the size!

Created marketing material, including regular blogs and e-campaigns.

Helped promote fundraising events.

Managed the graphic design process to ensure artwork represents the Hope Against Cancer brand.

Conducted monthly meetings to ensure that all targets and goals of the charity are being met, and to discuss future plans, and also produced monthly reports for key stakeholders to track progress.