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£100k+ of leads generated

"Our company has a diverse range of marketing and sales requirements to ensure we are competitive and able to tender not only in the East Mids but also nationally. So it is great to be able to use just one Agency to cater for all of our needs."

Joanne Skinner, Sales Director
Fusion Electrics solar engineerFusion Electrics solar installationFusion Electrics van
Web Design | SEO | Social Media | Telesales

Fusion Electrics Case Study

Fusion Electrics are a large commercial electrical fitter and installer based in the East Midlands. They approached us in 2022, looking for a proactive and forward-thinking marketing agency to help them grow their presence and attract more clients.

Initially, we started with a modest contract to manage their social media and content marketing. Following several months of service, we were able to show the client excellent engagement and audience statistics. So, we expanded our services to build a new website, incorporate direct marketing and provide them with telesales support, which has generated excellent results and six-figure quotes for the client.

We worked closely with their internal sales team to ensure their own CRM was maintained and all notes on our telesales activities were maintained so they could then move to close these lucrative opportunities. In parallel to the telesales efforts, we also ran email campaigns to ensure we kept front of mind for both their existing clients and prospective clients and enjoyed excellent engagement rates.

increase in email engagement
increase in social engagement
year service
Performance statistics are based on the last 12 months of trading.

Parting ways

In 2024, we parted ways with Fusion Electrics; however, we recognise that these things sometimes do not always work out. However, as with any client, we maintain professionalism and ensure all assets and context are passed over to the new agency smoothly and efficiently.